Who am I really? And what keeps bothering me? The series makes it clear that our past and the decisions we make are inextricably linked to us. They remain present in our lives, even though we may try to let them go. This art series reminds us: We cannot go back. But that doesn’t mean standstill or stagnation – on the contrary! Rather, “point of no return” shows us possibilities for further development; it challenges us to recognize who we are and what issues always accompany our path. In this fascinating world of colors and shapes, questions are asked about identity, memory, and self-reflection. An invitation to the viewer to pause and notice their own train of thought. Because ultimately there is no point of no return - only an ongoing process of thinking, reflecting and developing.
"Ich lebe mein Leben in wachsenden Ringen,
die sich über die Dinge ziehn.
® Michelle Kranz - kunst@michellekranz.de - Alle Rechte vorbehalten.